Welcome to the web page for


  Maintained by Mr.  A.R Visagie @ Saul Damon High School

The aim of this website is to provide Technical Sciences learners with the necessary resources to cultivate a learning culture and achieve their goals.



During the interview conducted by Radio Riverside, Mr. Bostander from Saul Damon High School discussed the significance and placement of Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) in the curriculum.


During the interview conducted by Radio Riverside, Mr. Swartz from Saul Damon High School discussed the significance and placement of Fitting and Machine work as well as Welding and Metal work in the curriculum.


During the interview conducted by Radio Riverside,  Mr. W Pier from Saul Damon High School discussed the significance and placement of Electrical Technology in the curriculum.

In these interviews our teachers explain how technical subjects are incorporated in the school system.

Click on YOUR GRADE below to take you to your resources.

You can download any document and save it on your device.

5 Tips to help you reach your GOALS

Set clear and specific goals

Break down your goals into   smaller tasks

Develop a plan

Stay motivated

Stay accountable

Breaking Barriers and Unlocking Potential

As your teacher, I am actively seeking ways to engage you more in the subject. I am committed to eliminating any barriers that may hinder your learning. Consider this as the initial stride towards propelling you to new heights and attaining success.

Mr. Visagie

Remember to also visit our official website by clicking on the link below.

About this site

This website aims to provide resources for learners with Technical Sciences at Saul Damon High School, but any learner who has Technical Sciences as a subject may utilize all the supplied resources.